Deoband yesterday was Deoband, is still today and tomorrow will remain Devband?

Samir Chaudhary reports from Deoband

After the unexpected success of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh, till now the new government has not been formed and the Chief Minister is still failing to finalize the name of the Chief Minister, but the effect of the saffron color started in the area on March 11.
On one hand, with the Prime Minister and everyone's development and new slogans, 'Our government is giving message of work in Uttar Pradesh' with 'Government of all', on the other hand, the BJP's newly elected MLAs fulfill the promises of development made to the people of the region. Instead of announcing the name of the world-renowned historical city Deoband, instead of trying to hurt the religious faith of the minority community, the issue of this issue was being repeatedly responded to social media from India and abroad throughout the day.

Not clear

With the victory of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh and the victory of the BJP representative from Deoband, the hope of minority's unexpected move is obvious, but before the formation of the government, such negative publicity clearly shows that this government of Bharatiya Janata Party Instead of going forward on the path of communalism. This time, the BJP candidate Kunwar Brajesh Singh, who won the Assembly elections, has voiced the name of Deoband, the name of Deoband, who has held prestigious status in the world as the center of Islamic education when the BJP came to power in Uttar Pradesh.

What does the BJP MLA say?

Kunwar Brajesh Singh has said that he will keep his first proposal in the Assembly as the name of Deoband, to be named 'Devvrand', and talked to MP Yogi Adityanath in this regard. They say that the real identity of Deoband is 'Devvrvand' and the name of Deoband first was 'Devvanand', now Deoband is known by the name of Deoband all over the world due to Darul Uloom, but the history of Deoband is not only so but hundreds Years ago Deoband was famous as 'Devvvand', on the question related to its historical document, he says that documents are being presented in this regard.

What does the history of Deoband say?

Deoband's date is thousands of years old, although before the history of 150 years of Darul Uloom Deoband, Deoband did not receive this high level, but Deoband also had a prominent position in the Mughal empire. Deoband's name 'Devvvand' is not recorded anywhere in the Deoband, but before the Mughal empire, this settlement was definitely called 'Devi Bandh' or 'Dev Bana', which was associated with Goddess gods hundreds of years ago.

Even in the Mughal empire, this town got special status in the name of Deoband. Many historic buildings, including the Diwan Gate of that time, are still here today. Not only this, but half a dozen historic mosques are here in the Mughal era for several hundred years, this town is famous only by the name of Deoband.

After the establishment of Darul Uloom Deoband, in the last 150 years, this town has received auspiciousness in the name of Deoband. However, some of the majority of the people associated with the Sangh have been writing Devbandh for the last few years.


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