Sick disease treatment is sex

It is said that sex is only a good feeling of some time. But those who say this do not know that their statement is not true. Sex gives us many benefits Today we will tell you what are the benefits of having regular sex. Women and men not only get physical and mental satisfaction with sexual intercourse, but also experience the joy and also strengthening relationships.

Benefits of sex ...
Heart disease: In one study, it has been found that people who have sex more than twice a week have a very low risk of heart disease. Not only this, blood pressure is fine, but cholesterol is also good. Good Exercise: Having sex makes the body good exercise. During sex all the muscles of the body pull and open. Sex helps in reducing the excess calories of the body.

Increases self confidence: If your sex life is better then your family life is happy. It affects its daily life. She performs well in professional life.

Get rid of diseases: Sex strengthens immune system, which helps in fighting infection and diseases. Regular sex also gives a person freedom from depression. After sex, the person gets a deep sleep, which provides complete relief to the body.
Headache: It is commonly seen that partners tend to prey on headache to avoid sex, but during sex, when the two partners approach the archegem, then the flow of hormones called oxytocin in the body is much faster. It relieves hormone headache and other pain.
Increasing age: It is believed that every time a person gets Arjamjam, then he also increases in his days of life. At the time of aragism, the cells damaged by the discharge of a particular chemical are regenerated.

At the same time, it has also come to know that excess sex is also increased in kamashakti. This is what Chicago doctor Dr. Larien Schreiber said in his statement. They say that by having sexual intercourse in women, blood flow is better in the vagina and reduction in vaginal disorders. In such cases, the sexual desire of women increases. Research shows that approximately 30 percent of women are troubled by bladder diseases.

But with regular intercourse they can get rid of this problem too. Muscular work is done around the hip from the body, which works to keep the bladder healthy. Research has found that sex effects on blood pressure are also good. Apart from this, five calories burn every minute during sex. It's not like exercising in the gym but just like running on the treadmill, sex increases heartbeat and many muscles are used.


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