What do girls want from their partners in the relationship

It is said that boys know about girls as much as girls tell them or as much as they see, there are so many such secret hidden in the heart of the girls whom they do not like to tell anyone, if a boy thinks that They know everything about girls. I'm so misunderstood. Let's know what girls want in the relationship.

Know the relation girls want from their partner -

1. Every girl is very happy, girls are happy with a little rose instead of any sweet things.

2. Girls also feel impressed with the dressing senses of their partner, boys should wear their partner's choice of clothes.

3. When the girls are in the relationship, then they take everything from their partner's stomach to the melon.

4. Girls are very emotional, they like boys who understand their problems and solve them.

5. Girls want this from their partner, they praise them and tell them about their flaws.

6 .The girls always try to know from their partner that their partner is listening to them or is not doing the same thing like this.


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